Friday, December 19, 2014

HAPPY HOLIDAYS from K.K. Allen (Celebrate w/this 99Cent Stocking Stuffer!)

HAPPY HOLIDAYS! LET'S CELEBRATE. Are you in need of some last minute holiday stocking stuffers? Did you know Kindle books make the BEST stocking stuffers? Well, they do. If you know someone with a smart phone/device then all they have to do is download the Kindle app for FREE and they can start loading up on books. And even better, during the holidays discounted books are everywhere. 

The Summer Solstice: Enchanted is currently .99, just in time for you to purchase as a gift on Amazon, print, wrap, and place it in your loved one's stocking. It's so easy.

Check it out! Offer ends on December 22. (click here to view more)

Summer Solstice Christmas Special (99 Cents) Limited Time!!!

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